Saturday, September 28, 2013

Grandy Creek KOA -- Concrete, WA

Our second outing in the motorhome, this time it's just me and Kelley. It's pouring rain and off-season, so we have a whole area to ourselves. It's way different than the last RV park we were at; this one is all grass and trees and trails. So far I really like it, other than the fact that the advertised WiFi doesn't extend to the whole park so we're using phone access which is basically like dial-up (nerdy nerdy nerdy).

Took my first shower in the RV, and it was kind of awesome with the rain pounding above my head on the skylight! Now we're sitting at the table, listening to music and working on our laptops like the nerds we are.

Played lots of gin rummy and backgammon, plus one game of scrabble (but Kelley beat me too badly to allow any more of that).

Here are some "before" pictures of the motorhome... we have a million ideas for upgrades and improvements. In fact, it already looks so much homier (these pics are from when we drove it off the lot)!


Saturday, September 21, 2013

Deception Pass -- Whidbey Island, WA

Our Maiden Voyage! We all loved our first trip in the motorhome, which we've only had for a week now.

Maiden Voyages are supposed to be relatively close to home (check) but far away enough that it feels like a vacation (check).

Maiden Voyages are also intended to help suss out problems with the new rig, such as:

  • When we arrived at the camp, we realized that there was no longer a vent hood above the bathroom. Meaning that it flew off sometime during our drive. Woops.
  • We had to cover up the hole using only things we had in the RV -- so that rain wouldn't come in through the 14" x 14" hole in the ceiling above the toilet. So we ended up driving around for the next week with a white kitchen trash bag tied around the hole, affixed with scotch tape and a bungee cord.
  • It turns out that when you are at an RV park, the way you "hook up" to water and sewer is with your own hose. Who knew?
  • Also... if you want your motorhome to be level (like, you prefer not to sleep with your feet higher than your head), you are supposed to have leveling jacks
  • Mostly, you get to figure things out for the first time in the privacy of your own RV... but Kelley had to try to figure out how to open and close our awning in front of all the obviously-veteran RV'ers. And I'm sorry to say it didn't go well, and it involved the "F" word, and I'm still not really sure we know how it works.
It was really fun to see other people's setups... the guy across the "street" definitely had his system down. He had houseplants that were set out on the picnic table to breathe, a little campstove, and a plastic wine glass he sipped from while he grilled his dinner.

Best of all, our RV was right next to the playground! The playground was the best part of this park, though, which was mainly asphalt and crammed-together RV spots.

All-in-all, a perfect first outing.